Green Tea
Pinched Tea Bowl
I love green tea. I didn't know about any tea that didn't brew into southern style sweet tea until I was in college. In our local grocery stores all you found in the tea and coffee isle was orange pekoe black tea. Of course hot teas weren't that popular in my area at that time. My intro to green tea came via pottery. One of my instructors mentioned the role pottery played in the Japanese Tea Ceremony, Chanoyu. This ceremony has roots to early Zen Buddhism and became a popular ritual in feudal Japan. The practice continues today and is a beautifully choreographed ritual where attention to every detail is essential. If you'd like to know more you should read, The Book of Tea by Okakura Kakuzō. This long essay links the role of tea to the aesthetic and cultural aspects of Japanese life.
Green tea ties together so many interests for me. It started with pottery. It is my preferred beverage and I enjoy it year round. This page is my tea-pot. A place where everything brews. I was once afraid of being a jack of all trades and master of none but I now enjoy being a jack of all trades and master of some. Green tea represents that mix of interests. My interest in the tea ceremony led me to interests in teas, tea bowls, Japanese pottery and Buddhism. I could continue this train to eventually arrive at where I am today with more interests than one lifetime will allow. Some pursuits get lots of attention and some are on back burners waiting their turn. If they don't get attention in this lifetime, I'll continue them in the next.